Welcome to my Mindful World

I'm Janani Srikanth, once an Engineer, now a Life coach holding Master's degrees in Philosophy and Psychology. I am also certified in Mindfulness, CBT, Hypnotherapy, Positive Psychology, to name a few. I identify myself as a seeker of knowledge. This blog is that space where I share my knowledge and create awareness on Mental Health and write motivational and inspiring articles.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Relationships #MentalHealthMay

Human relationships encompass the connections we form with others, ranging from family members and friends to colleagues and acquaintances. These relationships fulfil our innate need for social interaction, belonging, and support.

Research consistently demonstrates that strong social connections are crucial for emotional well-being and overall health. Positive relationships contribute to increased happiness, reduced stress levels, and enhanced resilience in the face of challenges.

In the context of relationships, your romantic relationship constitutes one of the crucial aspects influencing the positivity and happiness in your life. This is one of the most researched and discussed topics in psychology where everyone has an opinion on love language, couple goals, and red flags to look out for.

A relationship is highly personal and is defined essentially by the ideals and values of the couple. Anyone outside the relationship cannot have an opinion or influence on the dynamics. If you are in a relationship or considering a potential partner, I would suggest you take the help of a qualified psychological counsellor who specializes in pre-marital and marital counselling.

I have addressed this topic in my novel “Taste of Fate” through my protagonist Maya is a relationship expert. 

In the words of my protagonist Maya from “Taste of Fate” (Link: https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0CWLQJCZT) – “The essence of a successful relationship lies not just in finding love but also in being capable of accepting it. It requires vulnerability, courage, and a willingness to let someone see the unfiltered, authentic version of yourself. A healthy relationship is a dynamic exchange, a continuous give-and-take where both partners contribute to the growth and well-being of the union.”

To cultivate and nurture positive relationships, it's essential to prioritize communication, empathy, and mutual respect. One effective tip to make this a habit is to practice ACTIVE LISTENING. 

How do we practice this? 

It is simple. Instead of simply waiting for your turn to speak, make a conscious effort to listen attentively to others, seeking to understand their perspectives and emotions. By demonstrating genuine interest and empathy in conversations, you can strengthen your connections and foster a supportive and uplifting social network.

When we feel understood, valued, and accepted by others, we experience a sense of belonging and connection that enriches our lives. Moreover, meaningful relationships offer opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, and shared experiences that add depth and meaning to our existence. 

Here’s to relationships defining happiness and meaning in our lives.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Self-Awareness and Positivity #MENTALHEALTHMAY

 The selected theme for #MentalHealthMay is “Positive Thinking and Happiness.”

To make positivity a constant in your life, I identified four topics to feature every Wednesday in May. The first one is SELF-AWARENESS.

Self-awareness is the ability to reflect and understand one's own thoughts, feelings, motivations, and behaviors. It helps one be aware of their own strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. Developing self-awareness is the basic foundation in your journey towards personal growth and fulfillment. 

Seek guidance from a psychologist or life coach for expert assistance. While personal experiences shape opinions on subjects like psychology or philosophy, only qualified experts can offer structured support based on research and diverse perspectives.

These posts are meant to give you an awareness on factors that are addressed in professional sessions and propel you towards a growth-oriented mindset.

Self-Awareness is not simply an exercise of answering the right questions and understanding a little more about yourself. It must become a part of your everyday life and routine. Take a few moments every day consciously to pause and observe your thoughts and emotions without judgment. This practice helps you become more attuned to your inner experiences and increases self-awareness.

By understanding our emotions and the triggers behind them, we can effectively manage and regulate our responses. This leads to greater emotional stability and resilience, contributing to overall positivity and happiness. I personally recommend Self-awareness to help you identify your values, passions, and authentic selves. This is not a quick fix solution. One needs to dedicate time and effort to stay consistent. If we can dedicate 8 hours of our time to binge watch a limited series on a OTT platform, we should be able to dedicate at least two hours per week to get started.

When we align our actions with our true selves, we experience a sense of fulfillment and contentment, which enhances our overall well-being. When you know what you want, you might just end up getting it in life. Just tune to your inner selves and hear your subconscious cheerleader. One of the simple techniques I would like to help you tune into your inner strength and self-awareness is the “STOP Technique.”

The "STOP" technique is a mindfulness practice designed to help individuals pause and center themselves in moments of stress or overwhelm. By following the acronym, one can effectively interrupt negative thought patterns and regain a sense of control. "STOP" stands for:

S - Stop: Pause whatever you're doing or thinking.

T - Take a breath: Take a deep breath to ground yourself in the present moment.

O - Observe: Notice your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations without judgment.

P - Proceed mindfully: Choose your next action consciously, based on a clearer understanding of your internal state and external circumstances.

By incorporating the "STOP" technique into daily life, individuals can cultivate greater self-awareness, resilience, and emotional regulation. Whether facing challenges at work, in relationships, or within oneself, this practice empowers individuals to respond with greater clarity, compassion, and effectiveness. A self-aware mind paves the way for greater positivity and happiness in your life.

Here's to being self-aware and chasing your dreams. My next post in this theme will be live next Wednesday. The topic chosen is “healthy Relationships”. Follow @jananisrikanth to stay updated.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

World Book Day

 Books are as essential to me as the air I breathe.

Growing up in a household of avid readers, it was only natural to take to reading.

From daydreaming about lemonade and buns inspired by Enid Blyton to yearning to visit Malgudi, the fictional town created by R.K. Narayan, my childhood was a series of vacations spent traveling worlds, one book at a time.

On this World Book Day, I want to take a moment to remember my maternal grandfather, Mr. TS Thurumalai, an English teacher fondly referred to as a "mobile dictionary" by his students and colleagues. The way he devoured every word in the newspaper and solved crosswords effortlessly inspired me to become better with my language and vocabulary.

He used to recommend learning one new word every day and looking up its proper meaning in the dictionary to improve in the language. I used to do that as a kid every summer vacation, and that probably helps me in my chosen vocation as an author today. The childhood trips to Higginbothams, where he would get me a new book, remain etched in my memory.

No note of gratitude is complete if I don't mention my mother, Mrs. Rajalakshmi Kannan, who is the reason I'm a writer today. She never hesitated to pay for library memberships, discuss books with me, making my life vibrant and meaningful.

I've been privileged to grow up surrounded by books, but for those who haven't had the same experience, it's never too late to start. Just pick up a book and make a beginning. You may not connect immediately, but I assure you, it will become a habit soon.

A World Book Day post won't be complete if I do not talk about my books, written in a lucid language with engaging narratives, perfect for non-readers looking to dive into the world of reading.

"A Balance Called Life" explores things that can brighten your life and lead to personal transformation when practiced consistently, while "Taste of Fate" is a magical story promising a happily-ever-after.

Give them a read and let me know if they help ignite a love for reading in you.

Here are the links -

Taste of Fate, A Novel - 


A Balance Called Life, A Self-help book -https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0BTVPP69N